Sunday, December 22, 2013


Aubrey's best friend, Lyla Kate, and her mom invited us to come with them to see the Nutcracker today.  Aubrey had a couple of friends in the production but the most exciting part was that her dance teacher, Ms. Katie, was the older Clara.  After it was over, we got to go backstage and even get autographs!  Thank you, Millie, for the tickets!

Walking in.  I promise we didn't plan the red and green but they look too cute together.

Ready for it to start.

Love my sweet girl!

Silly friends!

Getting her program autographed.

We love Ms. Katie!

The girls INSISTED the moms have their picture taken together, too.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lights at the Zoo

One of our favorite Christmas traditions, Lights at the Zoo. It never disappoints!  The lights are beautiful, the hot chocolate is delicious, and roasting marshmallows is fun!  Bonus this year- it wasn't nearly as cold as years past!

Yummy roasted marshmallows!

Daddy's turn!

Davis and I have our picture taken in front of this tree every year.

Love my boys!

My 3 favorite guys!

Daddy's girl.

Davis "needed" to have the picture of the cat in the background.

My 3 babies and a peacock (sorry, Nana).

The pink lights were her favorite.


The princess and the frog.

Me and my girl.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cookie Decorating Party

December is all about yummy treats and this week has been no exception.  Monday we hosted the cookie swap and today we hosted 3 of Aubrey's friends and their siblings for a cookie decorating party.  It was a huge success and the cookies were all very creative.  We are thankful for sweet friends for Aubrey.

Tagan and Andrew

Decorating their cookies.

Sweet friends.

We gave each girl a frame with their names & the date painted on it with a picture of the 4 of them in it.

So cute!



Lyla Kate


The finished products.

Dress up time.


Davis eventually decided he wasn't too old for this and ended up making/eating 3!

Cookie Swap

On Monday, I hosted 10 ladies and 18 children for a cookie swap.  It was a FULL house but so much fun!  The cookies were fabulous, the babies were precious, and the big children were funny.


Kelly and Carly

The big boys, Avery & Davis.

Aubrey with her other mom, Ms. Erin.  She LOVES her!!

The Ladies, missing a few who either left early or arrived later.

Melissa holding Baby Whitley

Karsen and Alex finding some quiet in all the chaos.

Andrew & Gray

Lori and Finn

Tara and Whitley

Emily, Erin, and Alex

Aubrey helping Rosie with the tablet.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Reindeer Day & 1st grade party

Friday was a busy day!  Aubrey had Reindeer Day in Kindergarten where all the classes rotated and made different holiday crafts.  After that, Andrew had his Polar Express Pajama Day party.  I am thankful to be able to attend most things my children do.  Happy Holidays, everyone!

Making her reindeer antlers.

Cutest. Rudolph. Ever.

Working hard.

We love Mrs. Sample!!!

Making Christmas ornaments.

Silly boys!

I love spending time in their classrooms!