Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny has been here!

Check out Andrew's enormous stuffed Great White Shark!

Aubrey's loving legos just like her brothers do!

Davis with his legos (Aubrey is holding up her Hello Kitty nail polish in the background).

Andrew with his BFF, Gray, who didn't want to smile.

Silly friends! 

 Ready to run!

Mosey taking his sweet time...

...along with his sister, Mosey Jr.

Hunting eggs!

Aubrey decided she needed Daddy's help.

Found one way under a bush!

Davis was done quick!

Happy Easter from our family to yours.

We made it home safely yesterday, just in time for the Easter Bunny to visit last night, an Easter Egg hunt at church today, and Easter beignets for lunch.  Happy Easter!

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