Sunday, April 22, 2012

Andrew & Aubrey's preschool art show

Just another reason we love our preschool!  Today they held an art show and displayed several pieces of their art work.  There were also refreshments that the children had made during the week.  It was lots of fun to walk around and see everything and to see several of their friends!
Andrew with his artwork (the orange flower on the left).

Aubrey with her artwork (the blue flower next to her).

Rick worked the raffle ticket table and Aubrey was his "helper."

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Boys with their toys.

Today was a half day for elementary schools here so my friend, Jan, and I decided to take our boys to lunch.  Seth and Davis were too funny with their DS games.  They were actually playing against each other and we were trying to get them to leave but they were so into their game that they didn't even hear us!


Today Andrew and Aubrey's preschool participated in the St. Jude Trike-a-Thon. They raised money and then rode laps around their preschool's courtyard. True to his mosey personality, Andrew took it slow and was the last person to go around the square on his scooter. When it was Aubrey's turn, she bypassed everyone else and was the first person to finish. Such different children! Fun moment- while Aubrey's class was taking their turn, Andrew's class was seated on the ground, chanting, "AUBREY AUBREY AUBREY..."

Andrew's class walking in.  He's the one in the blue shirt and shorts on the right.

Aubrey and her best friend, Madeline, ready to ride!

Andrew in his new dinosaur bike helmet!

There he goes on his Spiderman scooter!

Around the bend!

Almost there!

Aubrey was ready!

She's already passed everyone else.

All done and sitting with their best friends, Owen and Madeline.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny has been here!

Check out Andrew's enormous stuffed Great White Shark!

Aubrey's loving legos just like her brothers do!

Davis with his legos (Aubrey is holding up her Hello Kitty nail polish in the background).

Andrew with his BFF, Gray, who didn't want to smile.

Silly friends! 

 Ready to run!

Mosey taking his sweet time...

...along with his sister, Mosey Jr.

Hunting eggs!

Aubrey decided she needed Daddy's help.

Found one way under a bush!

Davis was done quick!

Happy Easter from our family to yours.

We made it home safely yesterday, just in time for the Easter Bunny to visit last night, an Easter Egg hunt at church today, and Easter beignets for lunch.  Happy Easter!

Spring Break trip to Nashville

Molly Cate & Aubrey on the new seesaw.

Davis working his abs with Andrew!

Lunch time!

Starving after playing so hard!

Molly Cate just wanted to swing.

Swatting the bees.

Sweet girls swinging.

Practicing his balance.

Caron, Aubrey, Betty, and Molly Cate.

Molly Cate watching Davis closely...

...Davis trying to help her...

...she decided maybe not.

Nana & Andrew in deep philosophical conversation about dinosaurs.

Molly Cate, Aubrey, and Davis taking a break.

Hugs good-bye.

Dino Trek at the zoo!!

Andrew loved every second!

The long-awaited T-Rex!

In front of the T-Rex.

My future Paleontologist.

Riding the dinosaur.

He could barely contain himself!

Crawling in the snake's mouth.

My little adventurer climbed all the way across this huge rope bridge.

Catching caterpillars at Grandma's house.

Andrew found several!

Hiding Easter Eggs for the boys.

Watching Daddy hide some.

She hid hers too fast so she took some of his to hide.
My sweet family!

Spring Break came a little late this year but it was worth waiting for!  Rick headed to Chattanooga for business on the Wednesday before then headed to Tullahoma from there and the kids and I met up with him on Sunday.  It was nice for Rick to have a little one-on-one time with his parents and the kids were great for me!  We all missed Daddy (and I was ready for some back-up!)!  The weather was perfect for Easter Egg hunts at Grandma's and trips to the zoo, park with Molly Cate, and Fort Negley at Nana's.  It was one of our best trips yet and no one was ready to leave.  We miss Nashville already and can't wait to return at the beginning of June!