Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Andrew the pirate (Aubrey just wanted to be in the picture).

Breakfast with Pa.

Nana's girl.

Aubrey got up extra early to help Nana cook the turkey.

Waiting on the turkey to cook.

Aubrey getting some loving from Betty.

Betty found a nice spot to sit!

Aubrey with Nana and Grandma.

Faye, Rick, and Nana.

Grandpa & Pa discussing football.

Now she's Grandma's girl!

Dining with Molly Cate.


The "grownups table."

Molly Cate sliding down.

Davis & Aubrey (thankfully she's not on her tummy!).

Aubrey loved holding Molly Cate in her lap.

Fun cousins!

Pushing the stroller.




Molly Cate refused to be in the picture.

All the cousins together.

Frist Museum

Making his own print.

Aubrey rolling the ink on hers.

Aubrey's turn to print.

Nana helping Andrew make a helmet.

The finished product.

Mommy helping Aubrey.

Her finished product.


Aubrey doing a leaf rub.

Making their own movie.

Block time!

Look at what they made!

Andrew using his chopsticks!

Watching the sushi guy.

Aubrey at the library.

This was one of our best Thanksgivings so far, and yet, it went by so incredibly fast!  The little ones and I arrived on Monday night and spent the day Tuesday at the Frist museum and the library.  Rick and Davis joined us Tuesday evening in time for dinner.  On Wednesday, Rick took the kids to Dick & Faye's house for the day.  Thursday was Thanksgiving at Nana's where we were joined by Dick, Faye, and Betty.  Friday morning, we headed to Betty's house for brunch where were able to spend some fun time with Kyle, Caron, and Molly Cate.  It's obvious that Aubrey and Molly Cate are going to be good friends!  Friday afternoon we went to see the Muppet Movie with Nana & Pa, which was so fun, then we packed up and headed home on Saturday.  Rick and I are worn out (all three kids were up every morning somewhere between 4 & 5:30) but our children seem to be doing just fine, they have been having a great time getting out all the Christmas stuff and are ready to decorate!

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