Monday, June 6, 2011

A day at the lake June 2011

Aubrey wanted to ride the boat before her brother's did.

Davis decided if Aubrey could do it, then he could do it.

Playing in the little pool with Caroline & Kaeden.

Patrick joined in.

Andrew telling Caroline to stop splashing (um, pot, this is kettle calling!).

Andrew sliding into the lake (he wouldn't jump).

In he goes!

Davis hanging out with some of the bigger kids. He looks just as big as they do!

Andrew in the lake.

Rick getting ready to jump in.

Rick & Andrew

Davis finally decided to get in!

Andrew sliding in again.

All this water makes a girl hungry. It was so hot out and she picked this spot out all by herself. Smart girl!

Yesterday was our final youth group get together for the summer and it was the perfect send off! We met at one of our member's house on the lake and another member brought his boat. The teens (and some of the kids) got to ride on the boat and go tubing. Davis & Aubrey both loved riding the boat and watching the big kids try to tube. Andrew loved "swimming" in the lake. All 3 were exhausted but it was such a fun day! We will miss having the youth group in our home this summer but we look forward to their return in the fall!

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