Tuesday, June 28, 2011

St. Maarten

Ready for our flight! Do we look just a little excited?

There it is!

St. Maarten a little closer up.

Flying in!

View to the right of our beach.

View to the left of our resort's beach.

Our favorite beach spot.

Our favorite spot to be.

We hiked this enormous, steep hill (think San Francisco) several times a day. Our room was at the top and everything else was at the bottom. The beach was about 1/4 mile down the hill from up.

View from the top of our resort.

Sailboats parked for the night.

Just one of the many beaches.

Took this picture for Davis because he loves red tortilla chips and they are so hard to find.

Every restaurant was open-air. This was one of our favorites, one of only two that we went to more than once. Jimbo, the owner, came to St. Maarten in the late 80s/early 90s for vacation and never left. Incredible food!

Gorgeous mountains.

Hermit crab.

Loved all the views!

Best pizza place ever- Pizza Galley!

Look at my hair! Humidity is crazy high there! My own mother didn't even recognize me!

Boats parked behind the restaurants where they catch whatever is on the menu.

Cruise ships! Each ship holds 6,000 people and sometimes there are 6 ships lined up at once. That's a lot of people! Thankfully, there were only 2 that day.

On the dock in Philipsburg.

The water was beautiful everywhere!

Philipsburg courthouse.

Fun picture with a pirate for our boys.

Rick surpised me and bought this absolutely gorgeous emerald anniversary band as a 15th anniversary gift in Philipsburg.

Pigeons were everywhere! My mom would have hated it there!


Getting the boat ready for our day trip to Marigot Island.

Ready for our boat trip to Marigot Island.

More boats.

I was fascinated by how many boats were out in the middle of the week!

Loved this huge boat!

Simpson Bay Bridge up. It opens a couple of times a day to let boats through which can cause big traffic jams!

These open-air markets were all over. They were filled with beautiful, bright colored items and it was super easy to bargain shop!

Rick reading about Fort Louis.

Gorgeous view of Marigot Island on our way up.

Top of Fort Louis.

We made it to the top!

Beautiful water!

Rick standing at very top of the fort.

View of Marigot Island from top of fort.

View of the fort from the bottom of the mountain we climbed.

Our very fun French waiter/host, Jean Michele. Best paninis (even better than mine) made on French baguettes! Yum!

Cemetary picture for my mom!

Token beach pic.

Favorite part of any beach trip- the sunset over the water.

To celebrate our 15th anniversary, Rick and I took an 8 day trip to St. Maarten without our children. It was a perfect week! St. Maarten was gorgeous and so relaxing! A huge and special thanks to both sets of grandparents for keeping our babies and taking such good care of them!

Quick visit with Jon's family

5 people gone for 10 days in 3 separate directions requires lots of stuff!

Watching Grandma cut the cake.

Celebrating Jon's birthday.

Boys ready for cake.

Girls having cake.

Sweet cousins!

Silly Ava!

Isaac & Davis busy playing.

We don't get to see family often enough, especially Jon and his family. They live in Louisiana and that's really far when you have small children like we both do, so we cherish the time we get to spend together. Our trips to TN overlapped a little a couple of weekends ago and it was one of our best visits yet! The kids picked up like there had been no time at all and the grown ups actually got to sit down and talk awhile! We hope we get to see them again soon!