Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quick trip to Nashville Jan 2011

Ready to get started.

Nana supervising (Andrew didn't want any help).

Davis ready to paint.

Caron made such sweet plates with Molly Cate's hand prints.

Daddy helping Aubrey.

Mommy's turn to supervise.

Davis putting his hand print on Nana's plate.

Aubrey's turn.

Andrew liked the blue hand print he made.

The finished product. So cute!

Mommy made a plate, too.

Andrew chose an alligator after his dinosaur!

Looking very little... the very big rocking chair!

Looking for "burds."

Nana had to look, too.

Definitely a Pa's girl!

The children were out of school ALL WEEK due to the snow and we all had (more than) a little bit of cabin fever so we packed up and headed to Nashville for a few days. Thanks so much to Betty for organizing a trip to paint pottery, all 3 children had a blast! It was great to be able to spend more time with Kyle, Caron, and of course, Molly Cate!

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