Saturday, September 11, 2010

Red Belt Graduation

Hand in hand walking to the playground.

JonAntheny, Seth, and Davis with their old belts.

He was on!


New belts!

Everybody was happy when it was over!

We continue to be more and more proud of Davis every day and we are impressed with his desire to keep on going in karate. Last night he made it red belt. This is extra special to him because his absolute favorite color is red! Lucky for him, there are three degrees of red belt so he will have this one for a while! Davis is also happy that two of his very best friends have also joined karate and he was able to be with them. I apologize for some of the pictures, we were in a gym and he was extremely far away from us. He is the one on the far left with the red and black uniform.

A side note on how well he is doing, he just made a 98 on his very first test in 3rd grade and he was promoted to sophomore level in golf today! Way to go Davis, we couldn't be prouder!

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