Sunday, September 26, 2010

2 more preview pics

These pictures just keep getting better and better! I can't wait to see the rest!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Preview of Aubrey's pics

I took Aubrey to Irmo Park yesterday to have her 2 year pics done and they turned out AMAZING!!!! Here is a preview. I can't wait to get the rest! Henderson Lewis Photography is fabulous!!!! I have no idea how we'll ever choose!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My new favorite picture of Andrew

Every now and then I have a picture that I think is just great and feel the need to share. This one definitely tops my list! It looks like Andrew is on the beach but he is really just enjoying swinging in the hammock at Davis' golf lesson. No kidding, he literally sat there for 30 minutes!

Red Belt Graduation

Hand in hand walking to the playground.

JonAntheny, Seth, and Davis with their old belts.

He was on!


New belts!

Everybody was happy when it was over!

We continue to be more and more proud of Davis every day and we are impressed with his desire to keep on going in karate. Last night he made it red belt. This is extra special to him because his absolute favorite color is red! Lucky for him, there are three degrees of red belt so he will have this one for a while! Davis is also happy that two of his very best friends have also joined karate and he was able to be with them. I apologize for some of the pictures, we were in a gym and he was extremely far away from us. He is the one on the far left with the red and black uniform.

A side note on how well he is doing, he just made a 98 on his very first test in 3rd grade and he was promoted to sophomore level in golf today! Way to go Davis, we couldn't be prouder!

Grandparents Day

Nana & Pa were wonderful enough to visit us for a very full weekend this weekend. It started with a trip to Andrew's school to celebrate Grandparents Day. Thanks for coming for the VERY short 30 minute visit, Nana & Pa, Andrew was so excited to have you there!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Little Gym

Taken by the instructor.

Playing with bells.

Tapping sticks together.

Her first activity!

She loved the steps!

Going across.

Here we go!

Such a big girl!

She kept telling me this was a slide!

Throwing the ball.

Catching bubbles.

Since Aubrey only goes to school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I thought it would be nice for her to have something to do while Andrew is in school on the days she's not. We decided to check out The Little Gym. It was great and Aubrey really loved it! Her class is called the "Beasts." She played with bells, did the wheelbarrow, a few flips over Mommy's legs, and explored all of the gym area! She even walked on the balance beam (with a little help) and swung on the bar! She made several new friends and didn't want to leave! I think it's safe to say we've found her niche!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of Preschool!

For the first time in almost nine years, I was without a little person this morning. All three were in school somewhere. Andrew started his third year of preschool and was excited to move to the "big boy" side of the building and he will be going every day from 9-12. Aubrey began her first year of preschool this morning and she will be going on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9-12. I did great this morning for the drop-off but I did tear up when my big girl came walking to the car at pick up. Time will go by much faster now, I know, but I plan on enjoying every minute!

Grandma & Grandpa come to visit

Aubrey in her apron Grandma brought her.

Andrew and his dragon Grandma brought him.

Davis and Grandpa with the desk Grandpa built.

Andrew & Aubrey "hiding" with Grandpa.

Davis reclining!

Aubrey with Grandma.

Happy Birthday, Rick!

Make a wish!

"Helping" wash Mommy's car.

It's always great to have Grandma around!

Rick got a sweet treat a little early for his birthday this year, his parents were able to visit! While here, they brought Davis a desk for his room. It was a quick visit but we all enjoyed it nonetheless!