Tuesday, November 3, 2009

An EdVenture-some day!

Standing in front of Ed!

Andrew & Davis in the tunnel.

Climbing down the fireman pole.

Aubrey pushing Bear in the grocery cart.

Andrew loved the grocery store!

Davis the cashier!

Andrew "buying" ice cream sandwiches!

Driving the bulldozer.


Even scarier!

Aubrey ready to milk the cow.

Rocking on the "front porch."

Sorry this is blurry, they were planting carrots.

Andrew in front of Ed's shoe.

Playing in the clay.

Davis playing the bongos & watching himself on TV.

Aubrey joining in!

Aubrey playing in the sand.

Getting soaked but having fun!

Davis loved the water, too!\
Using pulleys.

Today is a teacher inservice day for our district which meant no school for Davis. Mommy decided we needed to do something fun so we had breakfast at Chick-Fil-A and then headed over to EdVenture Museum for a couple of hours. All 3 children had a blast! Their favorite part? The water at the end! Andrew and Aubrey were literally dripping wet by the time it was time to go!

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