Thursday, September 24, 2009

Park with friends

Aubrey watching Andrew with interest.

Aubrey coming through

Sweet profile

crawling away!

Andrew the climber

Gabriel, Ethan, Andrew, & Aubrey swinging
(sorry it's so far away)

They didn't want to get out.

The boys checking out the waterfall.

Gabriel & Andrew

REALLY wanting to climb down those rocks.

Don't they look alike?

Looking for fish

Discussing climbing down the rocks.

Performing on the deck
(Gabriel & Aubrey weren't so sure)


Aubrey's physical therapy is over but we became great friends with her therapist, Lisa, and her two boys, Ethan-4 and Gabriel-2. Gabriel and Andrew even look alike. Today Lisa took us to a new park in Lexington with lots of places to climb on/through, slides, swings, and a trail to look at waterfalls. Aubrey particularly liked the tunnel!

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