Thursday, September 24, 2009

Park with friends

Aubrey watching Andrew with interest.

Aubrey coming through

Sweet profile

crawling away!

Andrew the climber

Gabriel, Ethan, Andrew, & Aubrey swinging
(sorry it's so far away)

They didn't want to get out.

The boys checking out the waterfall.

Gabriel & Andrew

REALLY wanting to climb down those rocks.

Don't they look alike?

Looking for fish

Discussing climbing down the rocks.

Performing on the deck
(Gabriel & Aubrey weren't so sure)


Aubrey's physical therapy is over but we became great friends with her therapist, Lisa, and her two boys, Ethan-4 and Gabriel-2. Gabriel and Andrew even look alike. Today Lisa took us to a new park in Lexington with lots of places to climb on/through, slides, swings, and a trail to look at waterfalls. Aubrey particularly liked the tunnel!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekend Girls Trip to LRU

All the girls!
Aubrey ready for college life on Nikki's bed

Aubrey was into all the fun stuff!

Aubrey loved Nikki's dorm room!

The Elston girls & Aubrey

Aubrey walking with Morgan

Aubrey & Nikki

This weekend Aubrey & I took a trip to LRU with Annette & Morgan to visit Nikki. She knew her mom and sister were coming but Aubrey & I were a complete surprise! It was such a fun weekend and Aubrey could not have behaved better!

Friday, September 11, 2009

short karate graduation video

It was difficult to get a video of this graduation because they didn't do any individual drills. I managed to catch most of a bow staff drill- which is Davis' favorite part!

Belt graduation- blue

"ready position"

with his new bow staff

Mr. Ronnie tying on the new blue belt

with his certificate and new belt


Davis is doing great in karate! Tonight he received his blue belt during graduation. He did an awesome job and Master Zach even praised Davis during a drill when everyone else stopped and only Davis knew to continue! We got a baby-sitter for Andrew & Aubrey so we could go and just watch Davis then we took him to dinner (he chose Applebees). Davis was way excited and talked non-stop all through dinner! Way to go, Davis! We love you and are very proud of you!