Thursday, July 16, 2009

Visiting with old friends

Stacy White
Troop 9
L-R: Stacy (White) Clark, Leslie, Susan (Jones) Sasser, Heather (Hemmer) Johnson, Catherine (Hitchcock) Metts

Jill (Jordan) Cooper with her daughters, Olivia & Emily, and Aubrey

My three with Mya (Charity's daughter) and Olivia & Emily (Jill's daughter's)

High school pals
Leslie, Jill (Jordan) Cooper, & Charity (Myatt) Thompson

Aubrey with Mya- they are 4 months apart.

During our trip to Nashville, I was able to reconnect with several old friends. I had dessert at the Cheesecake Factory one evening with several members of my Girl Scout Troop- Troop 9. Some of us hadn't seen each other in over 20 years! I also spent an afternoon with 2 friends from high school and we all brought along our children. For those of you not on facebook, I highly recommend it! I would have never gotten together with any of these friends had we not all reconnected on facebook!

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