Thursday, July 16, 2009

Aubrey turns one!!!!

Aubrey with Kyle & Caron

Ready for cake!

Our complete family of 5 (and Pa in the background)!

Showing Aubrey it's okay to eat the icing!

She didn't want any help!

Andrew helping himself

Beating it with her scepter!

Princess Aubrey!


Full & messy = happy baby!

The smash cake was smashed!

Aimee Nicholson with Aubrey

gift from Livy!

Her first purse from Grandma!

She loves books!

Aubrey with Livy

It has is so hard to believe that a whole year has gone by and our sweet baby girl is now one! Thanks to Nana and Pa for hosting a great first birthday party for Aubrey! We had lots of family and friends from all over! Aubrey was so funny with her cake, she would stick her fingers in the icing and then wipe them on the tablecloth. We had to make her lick her fingers so she could see that it really was something to eat! Her brothers had no problems, though, and were perfectly willing to help her eat the icing! She had her one year well-check today and weighs 23 lbs, 10 oz and she is 28 in. long. We turned her around in her car seat before we headed to Tennessee and she is now officially off bottles and in sippy cups!!! Happy Birthday to our sweet Aubrey Claire!

Visiting with old friends

Stacy White
Troop 9
L-R: Stacy (White) Clark, Leslie, Susan (Jones) Sasser, Heather (Hemmer) Johnson, Catherine (Hitchcock) Metts

Jill (Jordan) Cooper with her daughters, Olivia & Emily, and Aubrey

My three with Mya (Charity's daughter) and Olivia & Emily (Jill's daughter's)

High school pals
Leslie, Jill (Jordan) Cooper, & Charity (Myatt) Thompson

Aubrey with Mya- they are 4 months apart.

During our trip to Nashville, I was able to reconnect with several old friends. I had dessert at the Cheesecake Factory one evening with several members of my Girl Scout Troop- Troop 9. Some of us hadn't seen each other in over 20 years! I also spent an afternoon with 2 friends from high school and we all brought along our children. For those of you not on facebook, I highly recommend it! I would have never gotten together with any of these friends had we not all reconnected on facebook!

July 4th

Ready for the bike parade!
"biking" in the parade in his wagon
"on your mark..."
Andrew & Hayden
Shannon & Hayden
Andrew biked hard and then enjoyed his snack!
We couldn't get Aubrey & Hayden to cooperate for a pic!
Aubrey with Matthew Vail
Kaeden & Andrew having dessert on the steps. Neither look too happy!
Willisia & Aubrey playing

The 4th of July was an eventful day for us! We started the morning off our neighborhood's annual bike parade then we headed to the pool with our neighbor/friend, Shannon, and her boys and we ended the day with dinner and fireworks at the Vail's. It was one of our best 4th's yet!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Aubrey's 1 yr pics

Aubrey doesn't turn one until next Friday but we went ahead and had her one year pictures made today at Picture People. This way, we can take them with us when we head to Nashville next week. She did great, all smiles! Her brothers had to tag along so we made their picture, too. You can tell they weren't dressed for the occasion, but they still had fun!