Monday, January 12, 2009

Aubrey turns 6 months

Andrew really wants to feed her all by himself!
mmm, sweet peas!

Mommy's favorite picture!

My three beautiful children!

Time is really flying! It is so hard to believe Aubrey Claire is 6 months old already! She is now on baby food which fascinates Andrew, he constantly wants to help feed her! Her physical therapy for the tightness in her neck is going well and we think it will take less than 6 months to correct the problem. She is starting to sit up and she's rocking back and forth on her back but sees no reason why she would want to roll over on her tummy! She is a happy and content baby unless she's hungry or tired (but aren't we all?). She'll go anywhere and watches everyone with wonder! Happy 6 month birthday, Aubrey Claire!

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