Saturday, September 20, 2008

Family Fun Day

Rick's work, Colonial Life, had their Family Fun Day on Saturday at Saluda Shoals Park. The boys had a great time (Aubrey slept her way through it)! There was sand art, mini-golf, inflatables, a playground, and of course, the dunking booth! It was called, "Dunk a manager" and since Rick is a manager, he got to sit in the dunking booth for 30 minutes! It was hysterical! He had a huge line and Davis tried his hand several times (but was unsuccessful) but Rick was a great sport!


Jonathan Kulp said...

So did he get dunked or what?! His brother HAS to know!! Great pics!

The Kulp Family said...

Yes, he got dunked many many times! He was soaked by the end, it was great!!!!