Saturday, September 20, 2008

Family Fun Day

Family Fun Day

Rick's work, Colonial Life, had their Family Fun Day on Saturday at Saluda Shoals Park. The boys had a great time (Aubrey slept her way through it)! There was sand art, mini-golf, inflatables, a playground, and of course, the dunking booth! It was called, "Dunk a manager" and since Rick is a manager, he got to sit in the dunking booth for 30 minutes! It was hysterical! He had a huge line and Davis tried his hand several times (but was unsuccessful) but Rick was a great sport!

Monday, September 15, 2008

2 Month Well Check

Aubrey had her 2 month well check today and was 10 lbs, 3 oz and 21 1/4 in long so she's growing perfectly. She also had 3 shots today that she did NOT care for! We are going to have a physical therapist come to our house and work with Aubrey because she is cocking her head to the right all the time and not using the muscles in her neck to turn her head to the left or straighten her neck. Her pediatrician said we caught it just in time & Aubrey shouldn't have to wear a helmet to correct the problem later on.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

2 Months Old!

It is so hard to believe that Aubrey is now 2 months old! She smiles now, eats tons and actually likes tummy time! Check out the goofy pose she gave me while trying to take her 9 week pic!

The Next Tiger?

Davis decided that this fall, instead of playing soccer again, he would like to play golf. On Saturday mornings from 9:15 to 10:00, Davis takes golf at Lake Murray Golf Center. So far, it's going great and he really enjoys it. He's also really good at it! I am biased, I know, but he did hit his the ball the farthest today!

Friday, September 5, 2008

All smiles!

Andrew is, by far, our most laid back and happiest child! He's all smiles 99% of the time (except when he's teething)! He actually said, "CHEESE" for this picture!

8 Weeks Old!

It's hard to believe that Aubrey is already 8 weeks old! She gave me her first smile this morning (though not in this picture). She sleeps through the night (YEAH!) but she still hates to ride in the car about 50% of the time. She also refuses to sleep anywhere but in someone's arms during the day. We'll take that, though, since she'll sleep in her car seat all night long!

Brotherly/Sisterly Love!

Who said anything about rivalry? These boys are all about hugs, playing together, and loving on their little sister! Davis is a great help but Aubrey's not so sure about Andrew holding her!

The Nursery

We finished putting up the border the night before Aubrey was born! Thanks to Grandma for making the adorable curtains!

Aubrey Claire

The precious baby sister! Born July 10, 2008, Aubrey Claire is well loved, doted on, and taken care of by her two older brothers. No boy will get through the door with those two watching! Although Aubrey is a tough baby at times (she hates to ride in the car), she is so very sweet and Mommy enjoys the sea of pink in the house!

Andrew's first haircut

Andrew's hair finally started to grow when he was about 16 months old. It turned into beautiful blond curls but it was time to cut those curls when a lady at a restaurant commented on what a pretty girl he was! Grandma came to visit and gave Andrew his first haircut- he was a trooper! The good news? He still has curly hair!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Karate Kid Davis

Davis decided he wanted to take karate this year instead of playing soccer. It has been too cute to watch- especially his own version of push ups! He loves it and is really quite good at it! He'll have his first stripes test this month!