Saturday, May 24, 2014

Flower girl!

Aubrey was a precious flower girl for her preschool teacher today.  What a trooper!  After dancing in the morning and then standing in the hot sun for several hours, she earned her cake!  The wedding was actually on a baseball diamond and Aubrey had a flower baseball attached to her basket.  It was a cute idea and Aubrey was the perfect flower girl.  The music stopped working right before her song but she waited patiently like the good girl she is.  Go Aubrey!  I'm sure she'll sleep well tonight!

Aubrey and Ms. Julie ready to rehearse/

The basket with the flower baseball.

Walking out onto the field for the first time.

Pretending to throw petals.

Waiting for her song.

Walking in.

The day of the wedding.

My beautiful girl!

Waiting patiently.

Sitting in front of the fan.  It was so hot!

All the girls.  They were so sweet to Aubrey.

Walking onto the field.

The ceremony.

Davis with his preschool teacher, Mrs. Boyd.

Andrew, Mrs. Wilson, Ms. Lisa, Davis, & Mrs. Boyd.  These ladies were the best preschool teachers for all 3 of my children.

Aubrey's preschool friends, Katelyn & Rebecca.

Waiting patiently for cake.

Aubrey with the new Mrs. Watson.

Finally... CAKE!

Worn out.

Dance recital!

This was one huge day for Aubrey today!  Not only was she a flower girl, she also had her Dance Dept. recital at 10 this morning.  She did great!  She was in two dances, one for tap and one for jazz.  Next year she'll be in three because she's adding ballet again.  She is definitely our busy one!  So proud of you, sweet girl!

Sweet, supportive brothers.  They hung in there all day long.

I love my dancer!

Flowers AND a trophy!

They still wanted to love on her even after sitting for over an hour and watching tons of girls (and a few boys) dance.

The Mystery Reader was...

...a bride to be!  Aubrey's preschool teacher, Julie Clamp, came to be the Mystery Reader in Aubrey's classroom on Friday.  What's even more special is that Ms. Julie got married today and Aubrey was her flower girl. Thank you, Ms. Julie, for taking time out on the day before your wedding to come spend time with Aubrey!

Aubrey was so surprised!

We love you, Ms. Julie!

Coffee House Poetry Reading

We are really going to miss Kindergarten, especially Mrs. Cook & Mrs. Sample.  They do so many fun activities!  Yesterday was the Coffee House Poetry Reading where the students all dressed in black and read a poem each had written.  Aubrey's poem was about soccer.

Hard to believe my baby is headed to first grade soon.

Daddy's girl.

Reading her poem.

Daddy's girl again!

Enjoying her cupcake.

Love these ladies!  Mrs. Sample and Mrs. Cook.

Best friend, Lyla Kate.

Aubrey, Lyla Kate, & Jill

We all wish we could just move up this whole class together.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Strawberry Picking

It's my favorite time of the year- my birthday!!! Just kidding (sort of).  It's strawberry season!  There is nothing better than the taste of fresh strawberries.  We have an awesome patch here and we try to go at least twice a season.  This past Saturday we made our first visit of the year and even dragged Rick along with us (he doesn't like strawberries which completely boggles our minds).  The strawberries didn't disappoint and we even dipped some in chocolate last night.  Yum!  Happy Spring, everyone!

They love strawberries!


I lost count of how many Andrew ate.

Notice Davis' bucket is nearly empty.

Rick and Aubrey were serious about filling their bucket.  Don't worry, she ate plenty when it was full.