Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day!

It took all an early dismissal and hours of waiting, but the snow finally arrived at 7:00 last night.  We got almost 3 inches!  School was obviously out today and we had a great time playing in the snow and making snow cream!  We missed Rick who was in Chattanooga for work (complete with his own snow).

Andrew and his snowman.

Aubrey with her snowgirl!

Making snow angels...

...and more snow angels.

Snowball fight!

Getting ready to slide down her rock.

It was beautiful!

Andrew and his artwork

I am one proud Mama!  We all know Andrew loves art and is very artistic but now our school district knows!  Andrew's artwork was chosen by our district to be made into note cards and given to the members of the school board.  We went to the school board meeting the other night where Andrew and a few other students presented their note cards.  It was very exciting!  We are so proud of you, Andrew!

Andrew and his note cards.

Waiting to present his basket.

Presenting his note cards to Dr. Turner.

New Year's Eve

Happy New Year!  How can it be 2014 already?  We celebrated New Year's Eve at Uno's Pizzeria where they had necklaces, balloons, & sparkling grape juice for the kids.  We even did a count down!  Our kids loved it!  When we got home, they decided they could all three make it to midnight so they set up in the playroom with blankets, pillows, and movies.  Aubrey made it to 10:45, Andrew to 11:15, and Davis was the last man standing at midnight.  Happy 2014!

Getting their sparkling grape juice.

Counting down.

Toasting the New Year!



They even let Mommy & Daddy in on it!

All set to stay awake until...

Christmas 2014

I am so far behind in posting this that I can barely even remember Christmas!  It was an extra long break this year with the kids getting out December 13.  Nana and Pa came to visit and we had a blast as always.  Beignets for dinner Christmas Eve, carrots for the reindeer, fun presents, lunch with family and friends...  It was Very Merry like usual!

Getting carrots out for the reindeer.

Last year for reindeer food from Kindergarten.  Guess next year we will have to make our own.  :(

Andrew's Legos even got in on the action!


Can't forget Rudolph.

Time for cookies...

...and milk for Santa.

Present time!

Our Gamecock fan with his new pj pants.

Andrew was way overdue for a new suitcase.  Thanks, Nana & Pa!

Aubrey loved this Princess blanket from Caron!

5 going on 15?

Making coffee with Nana.