Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Davis builds a clock

Crossroads Middle is proving to be more and more of a good thing for Davis.  He built an amazing clock (which really works) in his math class recently.  Tonight, his school held a silent auction and auctioned off the clocks for a few worthy causes.  Davis' was a Gamecock clock.  He worked very hard on it and it is awesome!  Way to go, Davis!!!

Davis with his clock.

So proud of this boy!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Rodeo Day/Mystery Reader

This was quite a busy day in Kindergarten.  Rick was able to go listen to Aubrey read to him early this morning. Then, a little after that, it was time for Rodeo Day.  Andrew did it last year and it is so much fun!  Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Sample put together stations with stick horse races, "branding" cattle, digging for gold, and a snack of beans & biscuits.  The students all dress up as cowboys and cowgirls and just have fun!  Our morning wasn't over after that, though, I got to be the Mystery Reader!  Aubrey was so surprised and I read two fun Thanksgiving books.  We love Kindergarten!!!

Cutest little cowgirl!

Yee haw!

Ready to go!

Stick horse races.

Hard to run when your pants are too big.  Oops!

Listening to instructions.  Aubrey is right in the middle with the red bandanna on.

Weighing her "gold."

Designing a brand for her cattle.

Her 3rd grade book buddies.

The stick horse she made.

Love my little cowgirl!

Mrs. Sample as "Cookie."

Silly cowgirls!

Mommy as Mystery Reader.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

18 years and counting...

It's hard to believe, but it's been 18 years since our first date on November 1, 1995.   I wouldn't change a thing!

We still look 27 & 20, right?  :)

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is my favorite holiday and this year it was near perfect.  The sky was cloudy, it was windy outside, and just a little spooky!  In the morning, we had Spider Day in Kindergarten where each class rotated around to all the other classrooms and did crafts or had a snack.  After lunch, it was Andrew's turn for a snack and a fun craft.  We had our traditional Beignets for dinner and trick or treated all around our neighborhood.  Hard to believe it's already November!  Happy Fall!

Listening to instructions (Aubrey's in the middle on the back row).

Painting spiders.

Lyla Kate, Jill, and Aubrey.

Shape spiders.

Receiving instructions from Mrs. Sample.

Hard at work.

Love my sweet girl!

Andrew making his snack glove, filled with cheese balls and candy corn.

Andrew & Matthew

My precious little man!

Halloween Beignets.  We'd already eaten quite a few before I remembered to take a picture.


Scary bunch!  Of course, with 2 super heroes and a fireman, I felt pretty safe.

My 2 favorite super heroes!  Aubrey's Wonder Woman got tons of compliments and she grew tired quickly of the countless times she got asked about her invisible jet.