Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Fun

The kids have been begging to go bowling for months now so we finally caved and went today for Labor Day.  We bowled 2 games.  Well, I should say the boys bowled 2 games.  Aubrey gave out after just 1 so she & I wandered around and played some arcade games.  Still, it was fun, and they were running a special where everyone could bowl and have a slice of cheese pizza.  Happy Labor Day!

Putting bowling shoes on.  Aubrey's feet were too small but Andrew thought the shoes were so cool!

This was Aubrey's first time to bowl.

Granny shot!  Amazingly, her ball only got stuck once.

Andrew LOVED bowling!!!

Davis was a pro.
Of course, Rick used to be on a bowling league so we didn't really count his score.

Patiently waiting for our turn.  I'm not sure why she's not smiling, this was before she got bored with bowling.


...and Andrew had to get in on the fun, too.

Andrew got a hold of the camera to take pictures of all the bowling balls and..., after my turn!  haha!

Rick's Birthday

Yesterday was Rick's birthday and everyone loves birthdays around here so we celebrated big!  We hung streamers around the computer for him to find when he got up, had lunch at Wild Wing Cafe, and grilled hamburgers and hot dogs with our good friends, the Gore's.  I even baked him a Boston Cream Pie, a first for me, and I have to say, it turned out pretty well!  Happy Birthday, Rick!

Streamers on the computer along with a jar of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups with 45 Reasons we love Rick!

My little helper eating the powdered sugar the "fell" onto the counter.

If you help, you get to lick the beater!

They suffered through the picture so they could help Daddy eat his ice cream sundae.

Aubrey's favorite part of the day- holding sweet Baby Adeline!

Rick getting his baby fix.

Aubrey telling Fred & Kristie some story.

Make a wish!

It must have been good.

Annie kept coming back for more!