Friday, August 31, 2012

Just for fun!

After 16 years of marriage and 3 kids, it's not always easy to carve out time for date nights but last Saturday, Rick's boss got married and the photographer at the wedding took this picture of us.  It's hard to believe we had our own wedding so many years ago.  We don't look THAT different, do we?  :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Nana's Birthday

School is starting here much later this year so we were able to squeeze in one more trip to TN before our break ends and celebrate Nana's birthday with her!  While we were there, we got to spend some time with our sweet cousin, Molly Cate, and we headed over to the Frist for a few hours of art and fun.  We even stopped in at Tullahoma for one night to eat some cake for Rick's upcoming birthday (sorry you missed it, Faye, I hope Dick saved you some!). 

Aubrey and Andrew used party hats to become dinosaurs.

Aubrey & Molly Cate riding the elephant.

Aubrey decided to teach Molly Cate how to flip off the couch.

Aubrey LOVED wearing Nana's fuzzy socks!

Betty took a picture of this and sent it to Agnes for her birthday.  So sweet!

Molly Cate coloring with Betty.

Aubrey trying to get Molly Cate to look their binoculars at each other (right after this picture was taken, they walked too close to each other and bonked binoculars).

Rick lighting Nana's cake.

All we needed was Caron.  We missed her!!  She was already back at school.

Make a wish, Nana!

Davis making his own movie at the Frist.

Andrew drawing a self portrait using the mirror.

Aubrey drawing while wearing the crown she made.

Rick & Aubrey drawing on opposite sides of a glass wall.

Andrew watching Mommy in deep concentration (I was trying to draw a wooden model in the corner of the room, I'm not posting that picture! :)).

Playing an intense game of tic tac toe on the glass wall.

Father & son (take a good look at this picture, it's rare to get one of Dick smiling).