Sunday, July 10, 2011

It's hard to believe our baby is not a baby anymore and that she's now 3.  Where does the time go?  She had a fabulous birthday party today.  I counted 35 people there in all, she's blessed to have so many friends to share this day with her.  She chose a tea party theme so I made a tea pot cake and tea cup cookies.  The dining room had pink & purple decorated chairs, streamers, and lantern lights and the office had green chairs and tablecloths for the boys.  The girls had feather boas and the boys had top hats.  A special thank you to Dalton's mom, Amy, for some of the amazing pictures she took.  Everyone had a great time!

 Mommy with the birthday girl.

 Daddy with the birthday girl.

 The boy table (only because Andrew refused to sit in a pink or purple chair).

 The tea party room.

 The tea pot cake with tea cup cookies.

 Feather boas for the girls, top hats for the boys.

 Waiting for her guests to arrive.

 Goody bags!

 Andrew & Dalton

 Play time!

 Dalton & Aubrey


 Aubrey with her best friend, Lindy.

 Silly girls!


 Aubrey with Chrissy

 Playing upstairs.



 Gabriel escaping the chaos with his daddy.

 Ethan and Andrew

 Erin with Gray, who did NOT like all the people!


 Pouring the "tea" (lemonade).

 Putting the candle on her cake.

 How can she be 3?!?

 Blowing out the candle with Mommy.

 "Lindy, blow the candle out with me again!"

 So they did.

 "Can we do it again?"

 Silly friends!

 Treat time!

 Waiting on cake.

 Ice cream!


 Everyone waiting to eat.

 The boy table.

 None of them seemed to care they were at a tea party.

 Dude, pass the tea.


 Dalton in his top hat.

 The 1 second Andrew wore his hat thanks to Ms. Amy and Dalton.  Dalton put the hat on Andrew's head & Ms. Amy snapped the picture.

 A true daddy of a princess, holding the purple tea pot.

 Daddy pouring tea for the boys.

 Aubrey with her tea cup.

 Such a little lady.

 Emily & Rachel.

 The Bruce Family

 Great friends!  Erin (& Gray), Emily (& Patrick), & Kristie.

 Davis & Faith, they look so sweet.

 Putting a new bow in her hair.

 Having such fun!

 So thankful Chrissy took this picture of me.

 Thanking somebody who was at the top of the stairs.

 Showing off her new cupcake set.

 Opening pretty jewelry...

 ...and more jewelry!

 A flower from Dalton!

 Smiling for pictures.

 A Hello Kitty nightgown.

 Her favorite gift, Hello Kitty rain boots!

 Hugs with Faith.

 Trying on all her bling.

 Showing off her new rain boots.

 Playing around.

 Telling everyone thank you!

 Smiling for more pictures...

 ...and more pictures.

 Overhead view (thanks, Amy!).  I love this!

 More presents!

 The aftermath!

 Playing with Faith.

 Relaxing with Ms. Nikki after it was all over.

Hugs from Dalton.