Friday, April 15, 2011

Aubrey's Easter Parade

Lining up

and she's off!
Look at her go!

Having a ball!

Andrew, with his class, waiting for Aubrey.

Helping her get back on road.

Andrew running with Aubrey.

Too sweet!

Family pic!

Mommy's girl.

Daddy's girl.

Today was Aubrey's Easter Parade at her school. Since Little Miss Diva refuses to pedal her own bicycle (she prefers for someone to push her around on it), we sent her scooter. The class made Easter bonnets and she looked precious! She had a blast and kept saying, "This is fun, Mommy!" Andrew's class got to come and watch and Andrew was the best cheerleader, so excited for his little sister!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Field trip

The whole class.

Receiving instructions.
Waiting ever so patiently.

With best buddy, Owen.

Today Andrew's class took the best field trip ever... to a Mexican restaurant! I'm not sure who was more excited, the children or the parents chaperoning! Andrew's best buddy, Owen, rode with us and they were too funny talking the whole way. The children learned to order tacos and water in Spanish and Andrew did actually sample his. It was lots of fun and I was happy to be able to go with him.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Andrew's Bike-a-Thon

Daddy putting Andrew's helmet on.

All set!
Waiting for the whistle...

...and he's off!

There he goes... he comes.

Having fun!

Proud Mommy and Daddy!

On Wednesday morning, Andrew's preschool class did a Bike-a-Thon to help raise money for children at St. Jude's hospital. Davis did this several years ago and it brought back such memories! Davis was flying by everyone and Andrew was ever cautious. Such different boys! The weather was perfect and Andrew was so proud of himself.