Saturday, March 19, 2011

Davis' final belt graduation!

Here we go...

...and GO!


When Davis finished this part, our whole section cheered for him! It was awesome!

Proud Daddy.

Proud Mommy!

It was a bittersweet night Friday night as we watched Davis perform at his final belt graduation before testing for his black belt soon. To give you a sense of how long he has been doing this, Aubrey was 6 weeks old when he started and she will be 3 in July. Not only did he do a great job during his regular part, but he rocked his performance with his new group, Weapons! Davis had only been to two classes before performing Friday night and one of those classes was the night before! Way to go, Davis! We are so proud of you for staying strong and seeing this to the finish!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Aubrey's 1st haircut

Here we go...

First strands cut off.

Sitting perfectly still.

Big smiles!

Mommy with her big girl!

Watching Angie braid her hair.

So patient!

Aubrey was such a patient little girl today during her 1st haircut! She loved every minute of it and was so excited! Angie said Aubrey was one of the best behaved children she's ever seen. She even let Angie braid her hair and curl it with the curling iron when she was done! She looks so big and so adorable with her new haircut!