Saturday, February 26, 2011

Caron and Molly Cate come to visit.

Greeting Molly Cate.

Caron reading to Aubrey.

Rick with Molly Cate.

Checking out the Dora book.

Sweet cousins!

Molly Cate watching Davis.

Telling Andrew all about it.

Feeding sweet Molly Cate.

Aubrey supervising.

Andrew watching Molly Cate in her high chair.

Aubrey feeding Molly Cate puffs (this is right after Aubrey's meltdown).

Checking out the dinosaur at the zoo.

Kyle had a work thing in Spartanburg today so Caron and Molly Cate drove with them and then visited with us for the day. My kids were super excited, especially Andrew! They loved watching Molly Cate crawl around and kept bringing her books and babies. After lunch, we took them to the zoo for Molly Cate's first visit to the zoo! It was such a fun day and we can't wait to see them again soon!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Afternoon at the park

Little ones wading.

Aubrey "fishing" with her stick.

Davis way up high.

Striking a pose.

So proud of himself.

Having fun!

The weather was absolutely beautiful this afternoon so the kids and I headed to a park in Lexington. All three went wading in a little creek. Davis was so proud of himself, he learned how to blow a bubble with his bubble gum!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Edventure with Aubrey Feb 2011

Ready for a camp out!

Driving the boat.

Through the tunnel.

"Playing" Chinese checkers.

Rolling out the dough.

Having a "snack."

Grocery shopping.

Checking out.

That was her favorite part.

Driving the firetruck.

More driving.

Apparently she likes to drive.

Except when she likes to ride!

Crawling out the tunnel.

A friend of ours told us about Toddler Tuesdays at Edventure Museum so Aubrey & I decided to check it out. We didn't make it to the Toddler Tuesday part because Aubrey wanted to explore instead. It was great having some time with just her and no brothers around!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Zoo trip Feb 2011

Looking at the crocodiles.

More crocodile watching.

Aubrey loved the aquarium.

Andrew wasn't so sure.

"Milking" the cow.

Patting the bunny.

On the playground.

The weather yesterday was absolutely gorgeous so I decided to surprise the little ones with a trip to the zoo after school instead of going home for a nap. They were so excited and had a great time! They only melted down a little at the end but an Icee (we brought one to Davis) perked them up enough to pick up Davis from school and go home, where they took a great nap!