Friday, June 11, 2010

Nashville Trip

Dinner with Nana & Pa

Mommy & Aubrey

Taking a break!

Water fun!

Driving with Mommy.

Ready for lunch.


Grocery conveyor belt.

Computer time!

Washing the dishes.

Boys building their cars.

Aubrey & the water.

Climbing in the engine.

Aubrey driving.


Aubrey knew exactly what to do with the tire!

Aubrey & Nana watching the trains run.

Aubrey & Davis playing drums.

Aubrey & Davis driving.

Andrew in front of his favorite steam train!

Andrew using the crane.

Andrew liked the conveyor belt, too!

Andrew & the water.

Mya, Charity, Leslie, Brandee, Jill, & Aubrey.
Good friends from high school.

Brandee, Jill, & Aubrey
All the kids (minus Mya) at Cracker Barrel.

Davis & Emily reconnect so well every time they get together!

Andrew climbing (that's about as far up as he went!).

Junie B. Jones' Bus!

Junie B. Jones! She was hysterical! Andrew couldn't stop laughing!

The boys with Storm Troopers.

Davis getting ready to hit the pinata.


School is out and it's time to head to Nashville for the first full week of summer, only our trip got lengthened just a little bit. We decided to have most of the inside of our painted and since fresh paint & little children don't mix well, we headed to Nashville a few days early, making our trip last 10 days! It was one of our best trips yet! Rick couldn't join us and we missed him but the kids couldn't have been better! The trip there was long with three torrential downpours and a 1 1/2 hour traffic standstill in Atlanta, but not one complaint! While we were in Nashville, we were able to enjoy 2 fun days at the bookstore- Star Wars and then Junie B. Jones. We also were able to get together with some of my good friends from high school at a place called Bounce U where all 7 of our kids could play. Probably our most fun day came at a Discovery Museum in Murfreesboro where the kids built cars, played in water, watched trains, played in a grocery store and a kitchen, and walked around a trail outside to see waterfalls and ducks. It was such a great trip and we hated to leave but it's nice to back home to our own (newly painted & carpeted) home and most of all, to Daddy!