Thursday, April 29, 2010

Easter & Nashville trip (oops, I forgot to post these)

The Easter Bunny brought cool shades...

...and a Snow White (her favorite)!

Looking through her basket.

Andrew got cool shades, too.

Davis got a new game for the Wii and a DVD.

Easter-shaped beignets!

Take number one...

...and number two. Someday all 5 of us will look at the camera and smile.

Lining up for the Easter Egg Hunt.

Ready to begin.

The whole gang!

Aubrey found her first egg!

Andrew and an unsure Caroline!

That's Uncle Bill & Aunt Martha will Aubrey at Grandma's house.

In front of the aquarium at the Nashville Zoo.


Davis & Emily playing the Wii.

The girls!

I just realized I hadn't posted the pictures from Easter and our trip to Nashville! We found new cookie cutters in Easter shapes and used them on our Easter morning breakfast of beignets! The boys looked handsome and Aubrey looked beautiful! She enjoyed her first Easter Egg Hunt as Davis enjoyed his last one. Next year he will be too old. How did that happen? We left the following morning for Tennessee to Nana & Grandma. We were also able to visit with my good friend, Jill, and her girls, Emily and Olivia. It was so wonderful to be home, we really didn't want to head back! We're all looking forward to the first week of June when we can head back!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kristie's birthday party!

Even though it's blurry, you can tell Aubrey enjoyed helping make the icing.

Aubrey and Caroline enjoyed the cake!

Kelly with Andrew helping Kristie open her gifts.

Patrick didn't get to enjoy the yummy food. Maybe next year.
Gray's favorite part was climbing the steps.

Emily & Patrick

Erin & Gray

Kelly & Caroline

Mommy & Aubrey

Today, a bunch of friends got together to celebrate our good friend, Kristie's, birthday. It was great to get together and eat yummy food and have adult conversation! We had enchiladas, chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing, and Paula Deen's corn casserole (thanks, Kelly!). Aubrey probably ate the most of anyone! She had half of an enchilada (they were huge), 2 big spoonfuls of corn casserole, her own piece of cake, and she finished off Andrew's piece of cake! That's my girl!

A trip to get ice cream

Aubrey was a mess!


Andrew had a chocolate beard!

Andrew took his time with his and enjoyed every bite.

Davis had his own beard!

We decided to go get ice cream the other night and all 3 children wanted cones. Amazingly, none of them had ever had cones before! They were a mess! Davis didn't think he was until I took his picture!