Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let It Snow!!!

Our house & yard covered with snow!

The backyard.

The neighborhood just a few hours after it started.

All 3 kids playing in the snow right after it started falling.

Davis' first attempt at a snow angel.

Aubrey standing in the falling snow.

The boys in the backyard.

Aubrey standing in the front yard taking it all in.

Rick giving Davis a lesson in snowball throwing 101.

Davis standing on the rock.

Mommy & Aubrey all wet from the falling snow.

Andrew sitting in the snow.

Davis getting ready to throw a snowball.

Aubrey loved sitting in the snow.

Mommy & Aubrey enjoying the snow.

Snowballs that hit the tree.

The snow was almost knee deep on Andrew!

Snowball fight!

Snow angel attempt #2 worked out much better the second day!

Aubrey throwing the snow.
Aubrey digging in the snow.

Andrew peeking out from the snow covered bushes.

Mommy & all 3 kids in the snow.

Davis running from Rick's snowballs!

Even Thomas made it out into the snow!

Rick throwing snowballs.

Who knew Columbia, SC could get 6 inches of snow? School dismissed a little early Friday afternoon and the snow started falling at 3:30 and kept falling well into the night. It was absolutely beautiful and the kids had a blast (we ALL had a blast)! Davis & Rick had big snowball fights, Andrew brought Thomas out to play, and Aubrey just loved sitting in the snow and throwing it! We knew we needed to enjoy it, the last big snowfall was in 2002, and all the snow had pretty much melted away by Saturday afternoon. Oh well! It was lots of fun while it lasted!