Sunday, October 25, 2009

So much to share!

We had a busy weekend! There was a spooky story hour, a pumpkin carving, Boo at the Zoo, and a picnic! There are so many pictures to see that I'm not sure they all fit on one page so keep scrolling down so you don't miss anything! Next week will bring a Halloween party at Crooked Creek park and Halloween. This is my favorite time of the year and after you see all the pictures, you'll understand why. We have had so much great family time this weekend, I am truly blessed with such an amazing family!

Andrew the vampire!

This was too funny not to share! Andrew got some vampire teeth from Boo at the Zoo and loves wearing them! :)

Pumpkin carving contest

Aubrey knows Mrs. Erin always has good snacks!

Swinging with Daddy!

Davis & Alex trying to balance together.

A see-saw you stand on!

Climbing to the top.

Andrew telling Mr. Nick how to carve the pumpkin.

Ms. Kristie & Aubrey trying to stay warm (note Baby Patrick asleep in the background!).

Andrew telling Daddy how to carve his pumpkin! :)

Sibling love!

Aubrey looking at her own picture with Mrs. Angela & Michaela.

Seeing if Ms. Crystal has any food.

The finished products. The winner was the second from left. Ours was the last on the left, a cat in front of a moon. We like it anyway!

The kids behind "their" pumpkins. Ask how many actually did any carving?

Andrew & Abby

Although we didn't win any prizes, our family had so much fun at the picnic/pumpkin carving contest after church today. We all brought our lunch and headed over to Irmo Elementary's playground. The playground was great, with lots to do! A favorite was a sort of balance thing that the kids could try to walk across while it moved. Aubrey just enjoyed walking around and sampling everyone's food. Andrew loved climbing and running with his friend, Abby, and Davis climbed everything and hung out with good friend, Alex. It was a little chilly but that just made for great fall weather!

Pumpkin carving!

The boys watching Daddy very closely!

Aubrey digging right in!

"If she can do it, we can do it."

Really getting into it!

Even Mommy helped!

In preparation for our pumpkin carving contest and picnic after church on Sunday, we went ahead and cleaned out our pumpkin on Saturday afternoon. Everyone got really into it! The boys weren't so sure at first, but when Aubrey stuck her whole arm in, they decided it might not be so bad! It was a fun family activity that everyone enjoyed!

Boo at the Zoo

Ready to go!

"Trick or treat!"

The spooky bat cave!

Aubrey getting into her candy.


Riding along and enjoying the lights.

Davis & Andrew loved the soap bubbles at the end!

Saturday night, we got everyone in their costumes again (Davis participated this time) and went trick or treating at the zoo. The lights were fun too see and lots of animals were in fun and playful moods! The weather was perfect and all 3 children had a blast!

Halloween Story Hour

Aubrey was the cutest ladybug ever!!

Story time!

Aubrey with Gray, the clown.

Who knew a T-Rex would love trains so much?

Or a ladybug?

Andrew refused to take the hood off, even though he couldn't see anything!

What better way to spend a soggy Saturday morning than to head to the bookstore for a spooky story hour? The little ones wore their costumes (Davis was way too cool for such things) and all the kids made treat bags, listened to 2 Halloween stories, and trick or treated through the store. Our friends, the Miller's, joined us.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Crew at the Zoo

Andrew being silly

Everyone being silly!

Riding the train

"Hi Mommy!"

Waiting for the train to go.

Milking the (pretend) cow

Aubrey liked looking at the bunnies.

The whole crew!

Say cheese!

Our tour guides

We could never get everyone to look at the same time!

Good friends!

Today was an early release day for Davis' school district so we had lunch and then went to the zoo with our friends, Erin, Alex & Gray. Davis & Alex got along beautifully and Andrew followed them wherever they went! Aubrey & Gray just rode peacefully in their strollers, noticing a few animals along the way. What a fun day! Thanks Miller family!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pine Island

It was cold!

Rick & Rick, Jr.

Riding in the wagon with new friend, Gracie.

Aubrey riding with her new friend, Meghan.

Davis & Daddy playing soccer

Davis trying to teach Andrew the finer points of soccer.

Our family was able to celebrate with two women from Rick's work who just completed all their actuarial exams! It's an exciting time and we were able to attend the celebration at Pine Island which is a beautiful park on the lake. There were tons of children all ages. The boys played soccer and then Aubrey and Andrew went on wagon rides. Even though it was cold, we all had a fun time! Congratulations Anita & Mary!