Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hooray for Aubrey!

After several months of working hard, Aubrey had her last physical therapy session today!!! Last night she stood alone for several seconds and she did it again for her therapist today! It shouldn't be too long before I'll be posting a video of her walking! Thank you, Ms. Lisa!!! We have enjoyed her visits so much that we now have playdates with Ms. Lisa and her two boys, Ethan- 4 and Gabriel- 2! Way to go Aubrey!!!

Palmetto's back to school picnic

Waiting our turn for the egg/spoon race

sweaty Andrew

Daddy & Andrew doing the egg/spoon race

Mommy & Davis doing the egg/spoon race

Andrew & Mommy doing the water balloon toss

Waiting for the next race to start

Davis & Daddy doing the water balloon relay

Carson & Davis

Andrew playing ball

Andrew chillin' out

Our church had a great back to school picnic at Harbison State Park. They divided the children up in groups by age and each age group did relay races. Rick & I took turns competing with Andrew & Davis (Aubrey didn't have a group this year! :)). It was hot but tons of fun! Thanks to Sean Brown & Carra Holton for some of the pictures.

More Ms. Nikki's party

Nikki & Annette Elston

Leslie, Emily Brown, Patrick Brown, & Annette

Aubrey, Morgan, & a friend

Say "cheese," Davis!

Davis & Andrew on the rocking horse

Aubrey laughing with Morgan

Andrew in the kitchen

Andrew in the basket

Mr. Tim, Nikki's dad, took some great pictures of our children at Nikki's going away party!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Good luck, Ms. Nikki!

Everyone enjoyed the cake!
We decided we are more like "young aunt" and niece! :)

The lucky school!

The boys adore her!

Aubrey loves her!

Our fabulous baby-sitter and good friend, Ms. Nikki, leaves on Thursday for her first year of college. We will miss her so much! Tonight, her parents had a going away party for her. Good luck, Ms. Nikki, we love you and look forward to seeing you whenever you come home!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aubrey crawling up the steps!

Aubrey continues to amaze us at how quickly she has caught up! The other day I caught her climbing up the stairs all by herself! She is now cruising around any piece of furniture, wall, cabinet, etc. that she can find!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sand Table!

This might be the most favorite item of the summer (second only to the inflatable water toys Nana & Pa bought)! It's a sand and water table but we don't use it for water. It was first filled with dirt and old potting soil but Mommy got tired of the filthy mess the boys were when they were all done playing so we bought play sand tonight at Lowe's and it was a HUGE hit, even for Aubrey who normally doesn't like to get dirty!