Thursday, June 25, 2009

Aubrey's crawling!

After months of physical therapy, we are proud to report that Aubrey is crawling! This is so exciting for two reasons- she has worked so hard and she is our first real crawler! Davis did the crab crawl pretty late and Andrew never crawled- he scooted! In one week she hit 3 major milestones- rolling over from tummy to back, crawling, and pulling up to her knees! Way to go Aubrey Claire!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nashville trip

This was our best visit to Nashville, despite the way it started. Sunday morning, Rick headed for Maine while the kids & I headed for Nashville for Nanci Carter's baby shower. We never made it to the shower. My car got a flat tire in Kennesaw, GA and we were stranded there for a little over 3 hours!!! Thankfully, my parents had agreed to meet us halfway to help with the trip so they were there when it happened. The Goodyear man was great, they tried everything to fix it and didn't even charge me anything when they couldn't! Our week got much better from there, we were able to spend lots of time with family and friends! Aubrey and I went to visit our good friend, Presley Ramsey, and his mom, Elizabeth. Aubrey adored them both! On Wednesday, we went to Granny White Park with my friend, Jill Cooper, and her girls, Emily & Olivia. Davis and Emily used to play together all the time when they were smaller and it didn't take any time at all for them to pick back up! We also spent a day at Grandma & Grandpa's house where the boys got to do their favorite things, ride scooters & bikes, and play in the dirt. Our week was capped off by dinner at Pie in the Sky Pizza with Jon, Nanci, & Zac Carter and Dale & Melanie Jenkins. The boys got to play with dough at the counter and throw it against the window. Melanie brought out wonderful cupcakes for dessert! What a great week! We're headed back in July to celebrate Aubrey's first birthday and we can't wait!

Friday, June 5, 2009

End of first grade!

Surprising Ms. Baker with her gift!
Andrew loved the drinks with the little umbrellas!

Ms. Salley, the reading specialist, with Aubrey.

Ms. Baker handing out awards.

It's hard to believe, but first grade is now over and we're ready for second grade. Ms. Baker ended the year with a fun luau-themed party. The parents got together and gave her a gift card to her favorite store and secretly made a photo album with all the kids' pictures and letters to Ms. Baker. We will miss her next year!