Friday, May 29, 2009

Corley Champs Celebration

Davis and good friend, JonAntheny

After Field Day, the first graders gathered in the theater for an awards ceremony called the Corley Champs Celebration. Davis won an award for consistently being a good friend to everyone all year long. Way to go, Davis! We're so proud of you! Sorry the pictures are so dark, we were all having trouble with the lighting in the theater!

Field Day!

Run, Davis, run!

Ms. Baker's class

I love field day, I know lots of parents think this is crazy, but it's really one of my favorite events to volunteer for! This year, I helped with the water version of "over, under." The kids were soaked by the time they were done but it felt pretty good on this hot day!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kaeden & Andrew

snack time!


Boys will be boys!

We kept Kaeden tonight so Willisia and Matthew could go to Lucas & Justin's piano recital. Andrew & Kaeden were so much fun together! They played in the dirt, rode in the little car and on the tractor, took a wagon ride and had a big snack of 2 bowls of Fruit Loops and 3 cups of milk- each! Willisia & I are hopeful they will stay such sweet friends!

Water fun

Thanks to Nana & Pa for the great water fun set with sprinklers & pools in the shapes of animals & a firetruck! The kids had a blast but I think Aubrey had the most fun just sitting & splashing!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Sorry it has been so long since I've posted anything! Our computer died and it's taken me a few weeks to get used to the new one! There has been lots of things going on including two end of the year celebrations, a trip to the zoo, and 5 weeks of Aubrey pics! It's hard to believe our baby girl will be one in just a little under two months! Enjoy catching up with us!

Updating Aubrey's weekly pics

Since getting our new computer, I haven't been able to update Aubrey's weekly pics so here are weeks 41-45! She's growing so much and is such a sweet and happy baby. We are still going through weekly physical therapy to get her moving. She's only rolling from her tummy to her back so we're working on rolling the other way and crawling. We know she'll get there, she's just content! :) Plus, she has two big brothers who will get her whatever she wants!

1st Grade Celebration

Davis & Ms. Baker
At his seat

His elephant book

Snacking with Andrew

The schoolyear is drawing to a close and the first grade held a celebration this past Thursday evening. We were able to see some of Davis' hard work on his writing and his animal project- he chose elephants. It was exciting to see how far he has come this year and we are thankful to Ms. Baker for getting him ready for second grade!

Preschool Picnic

Ms. Shannon, Little Davis & Hayden
Aubrey really wanted Andrew's popsicle!
Enjoying their popsicles!
Ms. Sue- our "Thomas Buddy!"
Ms. Mina
Getting a firetruck tattoo

Water table

Andrew celebrated his last day of preschool for the year at a picnic on the grounds of the school. His favorite part was a water table with plastic ducks floating in it. He, of course, played with only the blue ones! He got a firetruck tattoo from Ms. Mina and a Popsicle from the director. We took our friends, Ms. Shannon, Little Davis, and Hayden with us. We'll miss Ms. Mina and Ms. Sue but we're looking forward to a new class in the fall!

Muffins for Moms

Ms. Baker's first grade class had a special treat for all the moms on the day after Mother's Day- Muffins for Moms! We enjoyed muffins, fruit, sausage balls, grits, and little quiches! The students all made very sweet cards for their moms. What a great morning!

1st Grade Zoo Field Trip

Coloring in the garden
Watching for frogs & turtles
In a huge replica of a bird nest
Being silly with Maggie Grace
My own little monkey (sorry, Nana)!
Ms. Baker & her first grade class

I got the chance to chaperon Davis' field trip to the zoo. His class had great parent volunteers and we had so many that we all only had 1 or 2 children in our care! We were able to explore the garden side of the zoo, a part of the zoo Davis and I had never been to before. It was a fun day and it was nice for me to spend some one-on-one time with Davis.