Friday, March 27, 2009

Karate Belt Graduation

Patiently waiting his turn

Forward stance

Daddy tying on the new orange belt!

Proud Mommy holding the old yellow belt!

Tonight Davis graduated from yellow belt to orange belt in karate. The hour long ceremony was quite a production with performances by the varying levels. Davis did an AMAZING job and knew all his moves perfectly! We capped the evening off by taking him to dinner. We left Andrew and Aubrey home with Nikki so Davis had Mommy & Daddy to himself. Davis was thrilled and it let us know we need to do this more often with him. We are so proud of you, Davis!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Having fun!

For being siblings, my three children really do love each other and adore being together. Sitting all in a row was Davis' idea and they had such fun- even Aubrey!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We received some wonderful news today at Aubrey Claire's helmet specialist! She will never have to wear a helmet (other than to ride a bike- thanks Kelly! :))!!!! The specialist told us that while Aubrey's growth wasn't as significant as she had hoped, the reshaping of her head on her own was amazing! The numbers had practically doubled and her shape was much rounder! Hooray! Thanks to everyone for the prayers and words of encouragement- Mommy could not be happier!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Washing" the car!




Saturday was a beautiful day and Rick decided to wash my car... with a little help from the boys! Andrew was completely soaked and then he found the mud! After he sat in it, Davis laughed at him- until Daddy dunked him in it! Needless to say, both were stripped down before going into the house! :)

Nikki & Morgan

Nikki and Morgan spent the weekend with us while their parents went out of town for the weekend. We all had a great time, the girls were wonderful! Morgan even had her first date while she was here! Come back anytime, girls! We love you!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wagon time!

Nana & Betty bought us a great wagon a few months ago and Aubrey took her very first ride the other day. Davis also took his turn taking pictures of Andrew and Aubrey... very close-up! I was a little delinquent in putting Aubrey's weekly pics up for weeks 33 & 34, but they're up now. Sorry for the delay! Everyone has been sick in this house, either with the stomach bug or a nasty cold or both, but we're all well now and thankful for sunshine and warm weather!