Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

My Valentines!
Heart-shaped Beignets

Aubrey liked the wrapping almost more than the present!

Andrew was sooo excited over all of it!

A lot of people don't like Valentine's Day but our family loves it! It's much more than a romantic holiday to us, it's about love and being together. Rick and I did have a date last night, we had dinner at Macaroni Grille and then went to Target (so very romantic!:)) but our evening was cut a little short when Andrew fell and hit his head and then wanted his mommy! This morning, however, I decorated the table and made Beignets (French doughnuts) for breakfast. The boys loved everything being all decorated and Andrew learned that Valentine's means a lot of chocolate and he LOVES that! Aubrey even enjoyed the morning! We feel blessed to have such a wonderful family and we love being together- that's what this day means for us!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A day at the park

Saturday the weather was beautiful here so we went to the park. Andrew loved swinging and didn't want to get out.