Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lots to see- our trip to Nashville

R2-D2 was a HUGE hit with Davis!
Putting together a T-Rex Hot Wheels set with Grandma

Andrew's first attempt on a tricycle

4 generations

This was probably our best trip back yet! The trip there took less than 8 hours and none of the children fussed! We met up with friends- the Carter and Jenkins families, Rick took the children to Grandma & Grandpa's house for the day, Thanksgiving at Nana & Pa's, and a brunch at Caron's. There are tons of pictures to see, you may even have to scroll to the next page! We feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!


Thanksgiving was such fun, thanks to Nana & Pa! We had a great time and the food was wonderful, as always. Nana even bought special new dishes for the boys. Andrew's favorite part was drinking coffee with Nana in the mornings!

A visit to Grandma & Grandpa's house

Rick wins Daddy of the Year for taking all three by himself to Grandma and Grandpa's house the day before Thanksgiving. The hour plus trip was not without incident- Aubrey got hungry, Davis had to go to the bathroom, Andrew got woken up form his nap... but the rest of the trip went well and everyone had a great time! Thanks, Daddy!!!

Brunch at Caron's

Thanks to Caron for hosting all of us for a fabulous brunch the day after Thanksgiving, especially since she and Kyle had just returned from Arkansas the evening before! The food was delicious and the boys enjoyed watching Veggie Tales with Kyle.

Hanging out with the Jenkins' and Carter's

After dinner, we headed to Dale and Melanie's house. Little Andrew got to meet Big Andrew which was very confusing to him that there is another Andrew and Dale took us on a tour of his new church building. Melanie turned on "Cars" for the boys and they were mesmerized!

Dinner with the Carter family!

It took Zac and Davis awhile to warm up to each other (okay, it took the entire meal but then they REALLY warmed up). It was great to see their family and we are thrilled they are expecting baby #2 in late June!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Making of the Weekly Pics

Sometimes Aubrey cooperates and we get the perfect weekly pic on the first try... and other times it takes a few tries to get it right, and even then...
Looking at the paper.
There's that paper again.

Watching TV

Let's try it lying down.

Finally... a pretty good one, but no smile this week.

The Zoo

We decided to get out of the house and go to the zoo for the afternoon. It was the perfect day- kind of cool, and all the animals were out playing. The boys loved a new train that they could ride around the farm and watching the penguins being fed. Aubrey just enjoyed riding around.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pics from Nana and Pa's visit

Nana and Pa came to visit Halloween weekend with their friends, Tony and Wanda. Wanda took some great pics of our family!

Andrew on the scooter

Our neighbors gave Andrew their 3-wheel Spiderman scooter. He loves it! He's been trying to ride Davis' 2-wheel scooter but he kept falling off. Today we took him outside for his first lesson and he did pretty well!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reliving our first date!

Thriteen years ago, on November 1, 1995, Rick and I had our first date at Friday's in Chattanooga, TN. We decided to (sort of) relive our first date by going to Friday's for lunch. It was a little different this time, it wasn't raining and Aubrey came with us. Thanks to Nana & Pa for keeping the boys for us!

Happy Halloween

The boys really got into Halloween this year! This was Andrew's first year to trick or treat and he got the hang of it after just one house! He was saying, "Trick or treat" and "Thanks" at the second house! He didn't want to wear his costume but after he learned that if he put it on then he could go get candy, he was game! Davis was Obie Wan from Clone Wars, Andrew was Pooh, and Aubrey was a pumpkin. Andrew's favorite treat was a tootsie roll pop where he kept telling Nana, "I got a lollipop, Nana!" over and over again!!! Davis enjoyed fighting light sabers with other Star Wars characters and would have gone all night if Mommy would have let him!