Saturday, October 25, 2008

Harmon's Farm

After finally getting everyone well (Davis had a viral rash and Andrew had some sort of stomach thing), we spent the afternoon at Harmon's Tree Farm with our neighbors, The West family. Andrew's favorite part was a wooden Thomas he could sit in- he wouldn't get out! Davis loved the merry-go-round and the haunted hayride. As we were leaving, we ran into the Vail family and Davis jumped on the seesaw with Lucas and Kaeden! It was a beautiful day and even Aubrey enjoyed herself!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lots of catching up to do!

We have had a LOT going on in our family during the past few weeks and I'm a little behind in my posting (Aubrey missed weeks 11,12, & 13 on her slide show- they are there now, sorry Kelly!)! We've had a wedding, a karate graduation, 2 birthdays a day apart, family & friend visits, and Aubrey turned 3 months! You may have to go over a page to see all that's been going on! I'll try to do better!

Fun pics!

Nana and Pa visit

We were fortunate to have Nana and Pa come for the birthdays! Andrew loves to drink Nana's coffee (yes, he really does) and eat Pa's cereal. The boys love to ride anywhere in Pa's car and Nana is always there to rescue Aubrey should she become "distressed!" Their next visit will be Halloween when UT plays Carolina. Pa goes to the game and Nana plays with her grandchildren!

Neighbors and friends!

Our neighbor, Shannon, and I have a lot in common! We both have a son named Davis, we both own Saturn VUE's, our birthdays are less than a week apart, we both married men 8 years older than we are, and we were both due to have our babies on August 3rd (she had a son, Hayden, on August 1). We get together a couple of times a week to let Andrew and her Davis play and Aubrey and Hayden lay there and look at each other! :)

7 years old!

One day after Andrew turned 2, Davis turned 7! Davis was all about his birthday this year! He had a wonderful and small birthday party with just a few friends at Lake Murray Golf center where they played mini-golf and there was a playground. He chose a Hot Wheels cake and received several Star Wars toys, his favorite being a red light saber!

2 years old!

It's hard to believe, but Andrew turned 2 on October 10! He constantly amazes us with how well he is talking! At times, he seems older than 2! He started Mother's Morning Out this year on Tues/Thurs at Seven Oaks Presbyterian, where Davis went when we moved here. He loves school and would go every day if I would let him! He had a great birthday and happily discovered what "presents" are and how much fun it is to open them! Last year he wouldn't touch his cake but this year was a much different story. He cried for "choklet cake" at breakfast this morning!

3 months old!

On October 10, Aubrey turned 3 months old! She is so much more alert these days- smiling, cooing, and even laughing a little! She loves to be talked to, especially by her big brother, Davis! We can't believe how much she's grown and we think her rolls are just precious!

Karate Graduation

On Friday, Oct 10, Davis graduated to the yellow belt. We were so proud of his performance during the ceremony, he remembered all his steps without hesitation! Master Zack said that he is extremely proud of Davis' progress and Davis is more than ready to begin black belt training! Go Davis!

Old Friends!

On Saturday, October 4, Rick was a wonderful husband who let me go to Atlanta for the day! I met up with my friend, Cynthia Juhasz, to go to a wedding of another friend, Holly. Cynthia and I have been friends since the 2nd grade and we have known Holly since the 6th grade. Holly moved away in middle school and Cynthia and I parted ways when we left for college. Even after all these years, we still stay in touch. I had a great time but I missed my family! Thanks, Rick, for giving me this opportunity!