Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our family

Rick & I were married on June 22, 1996 (the hottest day EVER!). After many heartbreaking years of unsuccessful infertility treatments and tears, we adopted our first son, Davis Bennett, on December 23, 2001. He was 10 weeks old (his birthday is October 11, 2001). We still consider him our best Christmas present ever! In September 2005, after 2 job losses for Rick, we made the tough decision to move from our families in Tennessee to Columbia, SC. Just a few short months later, in January 2006, we were blessed by another miracle, we were pregnant with our second son, Andrew Michael, who was born on October 10, 2006- just 1 day shy of his big brother's 5th birthday! After Andrew was born, the doctors told us not to get our hopes up that we would ever have another baby- but we showed them! On July 10, 2008, our daughter, Aubrey Claire was born. Now our family is complete. Even though most of our family and friends are in Tennessee, Louisiana, and Florida, it is our hope that through this blog we can all keep well connected and you can catch a glimpse into a sometimes crazy life that is our life.