Thursday, December 25, 2008

Aubrey's First Christmas

Not sure what Davis is doing but he wanted to help Aubrey with her stocking.

Her favorite toy these days is her bib!

Aubrey seemed to enjoy her first Christmas. I stuffed her into an outfit that both Davis and Andrew wore on their first Christmases- it's a 3 month and she is currently wearing 6 month clothes! :) She liked her presents but she was most interested in what everyone else was doing! Last year on Christmas, we announced she was coming and today she is 24 weeks old. Merry Christmas Aubrey Claire! We're all so glad you're here!

The Elston Family!

Andrew enjoying the eggnog with Ms. Nikki's help!
We decided he needed a straw instead!

Aubrey with the Elston girls.

Aubrey appreciated Annette scratching Morgan's nose so she wouldn't be disturbed!

One of our favorite families, the Elstons, joined us on Christmas Day. It was so fun just to sit and talk with them (they also make a fabulous eggnog which Andrew REALLY enjoyed!). Of course, the boys adored having Nikki and Morgan there and everyone took turns holding Aubrey.

Christmas Day

What an exciting Christmas we have had today! Davis was up before 6 ready to see what Santa brought and open up his other presents. We let him get his stocking but made him wait for Andrew to get up before opening any other presents... unfortunately for him, Andrew didn't get up until 8!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Putting out snacks for Santa & his reindeer!

It's a tradition to put out food for both Santa AND his reindeer at our house. Usually we put out carrots for the reindeer but this year we didn't have any so they got pretzels instead! Davis was really into it so Andrew followed along, surprising us all that he didn't even try to eat any! :)

All about eating on Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve began with Andrew sampling everyone's breakfast, followed by Nana & Davis making Beignet's for lunch. While waiting, Pa read the paper to Aubrey who was extremely interested in what he had to say!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My first attempt at video uploading!

Aunt Betty gave me a Flip Video for Christmas so I thought I would make my first attempt at uploading a video of Andrew licking the bowl after "helping" me make brownies. Notice Aubrey's intense stare at Andrew & the bowl! :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

5 months & counting!

So proud!
Davis showing Aubrey how it's done.

This is fun!

Yum, yum, yum!

What is this thing?

Aubrey Claire turned 5 months old yesterday! This has been an exciting week with a couple of firsts for her- she rolled over for the first time yesterday (tummy to back) and today she ate cereal for the first time! She's pretty proud of herself when she rolls over (big brothers are, too, they like to cheer her on) and she's also my first child to actually like cereal. She didn't know what to do with the cereal at first so I had to keep putting her pacifier in her mouth so she would swallow it- she thought the whole thing was pretty funny!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Decorating, decorating, decorating!

This year I seem to have really gotten into the holiday mood! I have decorated (with some help from a couple of elves) much more than the tree! Davis is such my child and has loved every minute of it. The tops of the kitchen cabinets was a suggestion from my friend, Shannon, and I really liked the red lights on there! The banister took all day but it was worth it, I'm kinda proud! :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lots to see- our trip to Nashville

R2-D2 was a HUGE hit with Davis!
Putting together a T-Rex Hot Wheels set with Grandma

Andrew's first attempt on a tricycle

4 generations

This was probably our best trip back yet! The trip there took less than 8 hours and none of the children fussed! We met up with friends- the Carter and Jenkins families, Rick took the children to Grandma & Grandpa's house for the day, Thanksgiving at Nana & Pa's, and a brunch at Caron's. There are tons of pictures to see, you may even have to scroll to the next page! We feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!


Thanksgiving was such fun, thanks to Nana & Pa! We had a great time and the food was wonderful, as always. Nana even bought special new dishes for the boys. Andrew's favorite part was drinking coffee with Nana in the mornings!

A visit to Grandma & Grandpa's house

Rick wins Daddy of the Year for taking all three by himself to Grandma and Grandpa's house the day before Thanksgiving. The hour plus trip was not without incident- Aubrey got hungry, Davis had to go to the bathroom, Andrew got woken up form his nap... but the rest of the trip went well and everyone had a great time! Thanks, Daddy!!!

Brunch at Caron's

Thanks to Caron for hosting all of us for a fabulous brunch the day after Thanksgiving, especially since she and Kyle had just returned from Arkansas the evening before! The food was delicious and the boys enjoyed watching Veggie Tales with Kyle.